Band Boosters

The Franklin High School Band Boosters exist to support and advance the interests of the Franklin High School Band, specifically through fundraising and volunteering.

Here are some of the ways we lend our support:

  • Purchase, clean and repair band and guard uniforms

  • Purchase and repair instruments and equipment

  • Provide transportation to many events away from FHS

  • Chaperone camps and events away from FHS

  • Provide water to band members during rehearsals, camp days and competitions

  • Provide medical personnel during band events and trips

  • Enhance the band room (install shelves, clean trophies, etc.)

  • Provide auxiliary staff throughout the year

  • Assist with trips and events away from FHS

  • Encourage our students

  • Attend games and contests

  • Wear band-branded clothing

  • Compliment students for a job well done and lend a sympathetic ear

  • Cheer for The Franklin Band and every other band

Here are our main fundraisers that require parent support and participation:

  • Friends of the Franklin Band program

  • Annual Raffle

  • U.S. Flag Subscription program

  • Car Wash Extravaganza

  • Sonic Boom Marching Band Competition

  • Concession stand – all home football games

  • Grocery purchases through loyalty programs (Kroger, Publix)

  • Parking at downtown Franklin festivals

The Band Boosters meet monthly. Booster meetings are used to keep parents informed about what is happening, where help is needed, the condition of our finances, and other items of importance and interest. They also provide a forum for your ideas, suggestions, and questions.  The highlight of each meeting is a time for our directors to update us about the band program and upcoming band events.

The Boosters and the Directors recognize that everyone has commitments in addition to the band. It does, however, take a lot of work to keep our band running. We ask each parent to devote some time to the volunteer opportunities available. If every parent pitches in, it lightens the load for everyone. We guarantee that, at the very least, you will find it rewarding and worthwhile. There are opportunities to fit all circumstances and schedules. Whether you commit just an occasional few hours, or volunteer at every available opportunity, we need you. We encourage you to pick an activity that sounds interesting or one where you have a special skill.  Contact our volunteer coordinator at for help getting connected!

We use several means of communicating with parents, but email is our main avenue of communication. It is, therefore, very important that we maintain current emails for all of our band parents. Please make sure we have an active email address for everyone in your family who will need  to receive band information.

To our new band parents, welcome!  We know that walking into a fairly large, existing group can be a little unnerving, but you will find us to be open, warm, and welcoming. We celebrate your arrival at Franklin High School and relish the opportunity to get to know you. As you are acclimating yourselves to our program, feel free to reach out to any Booster Board member or section parent. We will all be happy to help you!

Volunteer Information

Interested in getting involved with The Franklin Band? We have many opportunities for parents and alumni to support the band program! Depending on your skills and interests, you can join one (or multiple) teams! Each of the teams has the overall goal of supporting the members and staff during band season to ensure that we all have a great experience! Contact our volunteer coordinator at for help getting connected to a team!

The Communications Team is the perfect fit for volunteers who want to offer direct support to  the students and families who are part of our band family. Members of the communications team are involved in providing timely responses to families by sending messages, answering questions, posting on social media and organizing web communications. Current parents can also become involved in this team by being section parents and organizing treats and help for the staff as needed! This is also the team that supports alumni staying connected to The Franklin Band family! Parents who love to write, or who have PR or media skills are encouraged to check out this team!

The Events Team is the place to be if you are the type of person who loves to visualize fun activities and  put them into action. Parents and alumni involved with the Events Team will have hands-on opportunities to engage with the band family at different events including Band Camp, Tailgates, Musical Trick-or-Treat, Sonic Boom, and the Band Banquet. You can volunteer for one or multiple events! Members of this team are needed at all levels from setting up for events to providing organizational and structural support (including food) during events! If you are someone who is passionate about engaging with families and the community the Fundraising Team is the place for you! The Franklin Band prides itself on being nestled within our Franklin community. We engage with community partners in a variety of fundraising efforts. These efforts are central to making the magic happen. Individuals interested in supporting the band in these efforts can engage in multiple ways including The US Flag Program, concessions at football games, selling TFB merchandise, and coordinating raffles and parking fundraisers. If you are a parent with a knack for selling things or attracting corporate sponsors this is the team for you!

If you have a passion for turning ideas into action, the Operations Team will be your natural home. The Franklin Band has many moving parts that could not happen without the efforts of this team. If you are interested in supporting the band in the hands on construction of props, creation of costumes and flag designs, transferring materials between performance venues, or the logistics associated with events, this is the  place you should volunteer your time. The Operations Team is also the  home of our mighty team of chaperones! Parents with medical expertise should consider this team as their volunteer home!